Tuesday, June 26, 2007

a write up on the third day

to blog 25 june 2007
today is a really cool and sunny day in the alps. Its really relaxing sitting in the sun with my laptop and cool wind . It really is a good feeling. Its like suntaning without the need to take off my clothes.

Very soon i will be posted to another location in the national park and hopefully i will meet more friends from all over the world.
The cute thing here is that there are lots of wildlife that i dun get to see in singapore. These are temperate wildlife. Like rabbits and squirrels and large birds and such. Really interesting mix of really cool things in such temperate conditions . Its almost like san grila .
Will post some pictures of me sitting on the ledge and enjoying the sun and wildlife for you all to see. Seem to miss this place as i have gotten used to the weather , but my lips are still dry like swollen kisses lol .
It is a feeling you must experience to enjoy. Ed my room buddy has gone to hike and take nature pictures and i am left here with angela while we play with all our high tech gadgets.

Angela is moving on to roosevelt which is quite a small place with a cowboy range and wagons and coolouts. It seems really cool but i is very small and does not have wifi. This does not go well with angela and now she is hoping to stay on in mammoth or go over to another bigger location.

Lucky for me , the location i am going is huge and my three friends are there. And they have already booked a bed for me . Wow damn on man they all lol .

However canyon is a huge village with lots of activities and lodges and hence i believe it will be more busy now that the season has peaked. Hopefully i will get a good position there where the job is not that tedious.
Today i saw some korean tourists and wow is really comforting to know that even asians are also here in bulk to enjoy what america can give. Thoese koreans however spoke really good english , i wonder if they are abk ?

Met some taiwanese girls and 2 very shy japanese girls yesterday and find them abit different from us , from the way they dress and move and present themselves . Well i must say we singaporeans are the more think skinned ones LOL
ok i will sign out for now . And the weather is just too agreeing with me that i feel like moving my bed outside to sleep in the sun hehe.
Two more days before i meet kwang wee , meng chang and heramb. I believe they must be eagerly waiting for me to come back.
I was really surprised that i can make so many friends in less then 5 days and i hope that these friendships will be lasting ones !
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